A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8

Want to know how to handle the more annoying emotions? Feeling rough and wanting to know what to do? Check out these videos about how to feel great whatever life is throwing at you.

Explaining Emotions ...
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
Emotions. Like 'em or love 'em you're stuck with 'em. But what is the point of them? Would we actually be better off without them or do they serve a purpose - and if so, why do they cause SO many problems?

Dump Despair!!
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
Feeling down in the dumps? Weary and can't be bothered? How do we dump despair and lift our mood when we feel low and flat? Here's Kate's top 5 tips to bring the sun out again on your grey days.

Create Calm
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
In life's busy times - whether frantic with good stuff or something a bit more difficult - how do you think clearly and do life well? Here's why we all need to create moments of calm.

Better Breathing
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
We all know breathing is important, right? But did you know the way you breath can help you calm down when you're stressing (or freaking) out? Here's how and why

Ace Anxiety
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
No one likes feeling anxious. But what if it ISN'T as bad as it feels? What if you could get back in control? Here's how to ACE anxiety.

5 things you could do RIGHT NOW to improve your sleep
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
Not being able to sleep sucks! Is there ANYTHING worse than lying awake in the small hours watching your clock ticking? It feels like EVERYONE BUT YOU is sleeping.