Shuffle: Mindset

Want to develop a healthy mindset?
Shuffle is a card-based activity – a challenge to take on for up to six weeks. The Mindset Edition will help you to inject some activities into everyday life to reinforce your mental health and increase your wellbeing.
For six weeks, you’re invited to pick and ‘play’ one card each day, discarding the cards from the deck as you complete them. Each card includes two important things; an inspirational quote, based on ancient wisdom, and a challenge for the day. Each day you can decide if you want to do that day’s challenge, or try something different. If you’re up for it, take on the challenge, and allow yourself to have a little adventure today. If not, just put it back in the pack, shuffle, and then try a different card.
That’s it. See if you can work your way through all 42 cards, and notice what happens to your mindset as a result.