Not knowing enough doesn't have to stop you!...
It is rare there will be a time in life when we have every skill set needed to pursue the task ahead, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn them. Going from only having worked at Topshop or doing temp jobs to running a whole organisation, this was definitely the case with me when setting out. Pretty much everything I needed to know, I didn’t.
For one, I was studying politics for my degree, so I had no real formal training in media or creativity which was now looking back seems crazy as Magnify is a media organisation. I also knew I had to get the word out and share the vision of Magnify which meant a lot of public speaking, something which I strongly dislike. To this day I consider myself an introvert, but I have to overcome this to be a spokesperson for my company.
I won’t even show my team the first issue of the magazine that I produced, but it’s a physical reminder that you have to start somewhere and there is growth and improvement that will always take place. A lot of perseverance and learning on the job was done, but it has been a lesson to me that a lack of experience should not hold you back and is definitely not a disqualifier.