Help me understand

Let's talk a bit about feeling lonely
So, we wanted to spend a little time thinking about loneliness and looking at some great ways we can build new connections with others if we're feeling a bit lonely right now. Check out the series for some ideas you can try moving into the new year :-)

A few things to remember if we're feeling alone
So, we wanted to spend a little time thinking about loneliness and looking at some great ways we can build new connections with others if we're feeling a bit lonely right now. Check out the series for some ideas you can try moving into the new year :-)

Perhaps it's time to build some new connections
So, we wanted to spend a little time thinking about loneliness and looking at some great ways we can build new connections with others if we're feeling a bit lonely right now. Check out the series for some ideas you can try moving into the new year :-)

Some more ways we can find connection
So, we wanted to spend a little time thinking about loneliness and looking at some great ways we can build new connections with others if we're feeling a bit lonely right now. Check out the series for some ideas you can try moving into the new year :-)

Tips on beginning a conversation with someone new
So, we wanted to spend a little time thinking about loneliness and looking at some great ways we can build new connections with others if we're feeling a bit lonely right now. Check out the series for some ideas you can try moving into the new year :-)

Why should I stop self-harming if it's not hurting anyone else?
One of the FAQ we get asked from young people. Watch our short YouTube video answer here

Why shouldn't you suddenly stop harming?
One of the FAQ we get asked from young people. Watch our short YouTube video answer here

What should I do when I feel the urge to harm?
One of the FAQ we get asked from young people. Watch our short YouTube video answer here

Relapse- I thought I was doing really well. What hapenned?
One of the FAQ we get asked from young people. Watch our short YouTube video answer here

What is self-harm relapse and does it mean that I've failed to recover?
One of the FAQ we get asked from young people. Watch our short YouTube video answer here

Why does self-harm make me feel better?
One of the FAQ we get asked from young people. Watch our short YouTube video answer here

What do we do with the scars self-harm leaves behind?
One of the FAQ we get asked from young people. Watch our short YouTube video answer here

Self-harm and low mood
One of the FAQ we get asked from young people. Watch our short YouTube video answer here

Self-harm and anxiety
One of the FAQ we get asked from young people. Watch our short YouTube video answer here

Can you ever fully recover from self-harm?
One of the FAQ we get asked from young people. Watch our short YouTube video answer here

Learning to be Brave in the face of anxiety
The Headstrong Livestream Team are BACK🙌! This time we'll be looking at some key steps you can take to feel braver around managing anxiety

Friendships and boundaries- part 3
You’ve tried everything and still nothing seems to be getting through- what next? Maybe walking away is the only decision left

Friendships and boundaries- part 2
So, if we feel that friends are making us compromise the things are important to us- what can we do to change the situation?

Friendships and boundaries- part 1
Friendships can be complicated and that can make looking after our personal boundaries tricky. Perhaps it’s time to pause and take a review?

The power of saying 'no'
Today we're talking about why it's so important that alongside our 'yesses' we also make sure that we're able to use our 'nos’ when we need to

When boundaries go wrong
So, in what ways can our boundaries get crossed or broken? Also what happens when we compromise our boundaries to keep others happy?

What exactly are boundaries?
Whatever your experience with creating boundaries, we thought we’d look at some really practical tips around this subject that might help you take the next step

Brains are AMAZING- sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia
To end our mini series on brain facts (we hope you've enjoyed it!), we decided to give mention to one of the longest words we could find :-)

Brains are AMAZING- Neuroplasticity
Part three of our brain facts series is all about NEUROPLASTICITY (great word eh?!). Our brains incredible ability to adapt and change to our circumstances...find out more here!

Brains are AMAZING- The upstairs/downstairs brain
Part two of our brain facts series and this time it's all about the upstairs/downstairs brain, and how that can help us understand why we react the way we do :-)

Brains are AMAZING- Hippocampus
So, in part one of out brain facts series we're going to be looking at the hippocampus. The Hippo-what-sus?! Don't worry- you can find out more here! :-)

Brains are AMAZING
Our brains are just incredible but we often don't know much about them. So we thought we'd post a mini series to highlight some brain facts this week:-)

Understanding Heartbreak (part two)
Part two of a mini series looking at why break-ups can feel so painful and how we can begin to recover from them

Understanding Heartbreak (part one)
Part one of a mini series looking at why break-ups can feel so painful and how we can begin to recover from them.

Livestream- Managing Panic Attacks
Join the Youthscape mental health team as they talk about all things panic attack related and give you loads of practical tips to help

Why do we cry?
Have you ever wondered why we cry and what it actually means? Tears are an unusual part of being human and experiencing emotion, aren’t they? Often it just feels like an outpouring of the big emotions we’re feeling inside, appearing both when we’re sad and so happy that we just can’t stop laughing (we’ve all been there!). Well, here’s just a few thoughts for you...

Help me understand- Self-harm
Self-harm is something you would’ve heard about, but let’s be honest, it’s one of those subjects that raises lots of questions. What exactly is self-harm and why do people turn to it as a way of coping? Here’s a short video explaining some basic facts around self-harm and some tips around how to help.

Help me understand- Panic attacks
Panic attacks are something a lot of people haven’t really heard about until they have one. But they’re surprisingly common. Maybe this is something you’ve experienced first hand, or there’s someone in your life that you want to be able to better support. Here’s a short video to help.

Help me understand- Stress
Feeling stressed out? Stress is an emotion we all experience from time to time, but what is it and how can we help ourselves feel less stressed when we need to? Here’s a short video to explain the impact stress can have on us - and why we need to take it seriously.

Help me understand- Trauma & PTSD
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD) is a condition where people have experienced life-threatening or serious trauma, and struggle with moments where they re-experience aspects of that experience - memories, dreams, flashbacks etc. Here’s a short video to explain more

Help me understand- Depression
Ever wondered what the difference is between feeling low occasionally and experiencing depression? We all experience moments of sadness in our lives but if you're feeling that way for days and weeks and months on end, that might be an indication that you're experiencing depression Here's a video to help.

Help me understand- S.A.D
The middle of winter and it's easy to feel the grey and darkness starting to seep into ourselves too. And you may have heard people talk about S-A-D as a specific kind of depression or low mood people sometimes hit at this time of year. But what really is it?

Argh disappointment sucks doesn't it? When you hoped for something or looked forward to it and suddenly it isn’t gonna happen?! We’ve all been there but how do you begin to deal with disappointment? Well, here’s a quick ABC to help you process when things don’t work out as planned.

So - who exactly ARE you? I mean, not your name - or the boring facts about you like where you live - but who you actually ARE - what makes you YOU. Identity is a question we all struggle with from time to time, here’s a video to help.

It's never easy when life feels out of control. Feeling out control can make us feel really anxious, and sometimes when you feel out of control, you end up trying to grab back control in other stuff, and that can make you feel even worse, not better. So how do you deal with it?

So life threw something rubbish at you. And maybe it was something annoying, like something was cancelled or changed at the last minute, or perhaps it was something bigger, something that hit you like an emotional slap in the face. Whatever it is, did you know there's stages to how your mind works through tough stuff?

Your brain needs a BREAK!
Your brain needs a break. Right now, so many people's minds are tired, fed up, and bored. This means it's harder for your mind to work as well as it usually does. So you might find focusing is harder and motivating yourself to do anything takes a little bit of work.

All about ANXIETY - part 3
All about ANXIETY
Anxiety is a healthy emotion - but what do you do when it goes ROGUE? In part 3 of our series all about ANXIETY Kate explains what causes panic attacks (and how to deal with them), and when you need to get help with anxiety that is causing problems.

All about ANXIETY - part 2
All about ANXIETY
How do you get rid of anxiety when it flares up? We so often feel like all we need is a bit of reassurance - but what when that only helps short term? And what when you KNOW your anxiety is irrational - but that doesn't make it go away? In this second part of our series all about ANXIETY, Kate explains why its all about the right kind of reassurance, and shares three tips for getting rid of an anxiety flare.

All about ANXIETY - part 1
All about ANXIETY
Anxiety can feel like it is all around us - especially in exam times, or when life throws challenges at us. But WHY do you feel so anxious, what is anxiety FOR, and how do you feel LESS of it? Kate answers some questions we've had in all about ANXIETY!

Friendship gets PHYSICAL
So - we can start hugging again! Safely, obviously - and sticking to those we're closest to. But did you know why hugging is so important for our friendships? And what other options are there if you're not able to hug, or just aren't a super huggy person.

Friendship POTENTIAL
Friends can really make you better. In SO many ways. But did you know how? And what do you have to do to build the strongest kinds of friendships.

Friendship POWER
Want to know why friends matter SO much? Turns out they're more powerful than you thought ...

Friendship PROBLEMS
Friendship is tough. But what are the real grenades that can blow up a good friendship? And if you've been hurt, how do you know if a friendship is worth saving? Here are some top tips on what to do when a friendship has gone wrong.

You're SUPER!...even when you don't feel anything like a hero
Times have been T.O.U.G.H and on the rough days it's so easy to feel rubbish. BUT, we're here to tell you that you're more amazing than you think.

ACHOO!!!!! Argh it's hay fever season again!
So it's that time of year again, the blossom is out and the sneezing has begun. Here at Headstrong we feel your pain :-/ hay fever can make life a bit miserable and finding something that works for YOU is key. Here's a few tips that might help :-)

Life spinning OUT OF CONTROL?
With SO much going on right now, it's easy to feel caught in the chaos, like you don't have control of anything. So how do you cope with times when you can't keep a grip on everything that matters, and avoid getting drawn into things which are less healthy as you try to get back some balance? Kate shares three things that WILL help...

How's LIFE coming outa LOCKDOWN?
... and what if it feels more about LOSS and LOADS on your mind than happy shiny stuff? Here's why you're not alone if this moment feels tough.

Head feeling FULL?
So what if it feels like your head is TOTALLY FULL in this moment? How do you manage all that's in your mind as we come out of lockdown, so you can actually enjoy things in this moment?

Trouble Sleeping?
Chi-Chi's Clinic
Sleep is a natural and essential part of life - but it’s surprisingly hard sometimes. What do you do when you can’t sleep? Dr Chi Chi Obuaya gives some insight about when poor sleep might be a sign of something else, and how to manage the bouts of insomnia that almost everyone will experience at some point.

Chi-Chi's Clinic
NIGHTMARES - anyone can have ‘em but no one wants ‘em! But why do we have bad dreams, and what can we do to get rid of them - especially if they relate to something traumatic that has happened to you? Chi Chi Obuaya is on the case!

Self-harm and the power of connection
Jenny talks about self-harm recovery and the power of connection

Feeling torn? Mixed feelings about the end of lockdown and the return to more normal life?
So - with the latest announcements it looks likes schools are due to return in the next few weeks depending on where you live. And lockdowns restrictions are also gradually gonna ease - but how do you feel about starting to return to the way things were 'bc' (before covid!)?Got mixed feelings? Here's why its ok not to be 100% whoop whoop and a bit um, and how to manage the jumble in your head right now ...

How do you get the balance right and manage more difficult emotions so you can PURSUE positive and good stuff to help you feel better?

Why are people SO important? Why do we miss them SO much? And how might connecting with them help us get through global pandemic?...

So how do we cope with Pandemic Pressure - and especially despair and moments we just don't feel like doing ANYTHING. Kate explains why PRODUCTIVITY is the thing to ponder...

Is there POTENTIAL in the midst of PRESSURE?
So the pressure of this moment can't be avoided. But is there a way we can manage it? And could we even find something unexpected - potential? Kate wants to tell us about something called the Hope Circuit (hint: it's in your brain)

When you get to the edge of human cleverness and ideas - what is there? How can reaching out to God and exploring prayer and that wider spiritual perspective help us find a more reliable source of help and hope in pandemic times?

Lost it with Lockdown?
So, this is a pretty rough start to the new year! Lockdown, canceled exams, fears around new virus variants, and a wait to get vaccines out - it's a lot to take in. So what do you do when you don't know what to do? When you just feel like you've had it with pandemic life, but you can't change it? Here's Kate sharing three tips that WILL help...

What even IS #wellbeing?
Happy New Year!! We've kicked off this year thinking all about WELLBEING - and it's a theme you're gonna hear a lot more about. But what even IS it? And why should we care about it? Here's Kate to tell us more ...

Bake off!! 5 reasons baking YUMMY FOOD is GOOD for your MOOD!!
Today Kate has been baking as part of an advent Bake-off challenge. But for now hear Kate's thoughts on 5 reasons why baking is SUCH a good thing to get stuck into this festive season :) Maybe it’s time to give it a go and see if it helps?

Thrown Down ... but Not Broken
Did you know palm trees can bend in storms right down to the ground but still spring back up? Hear Alex's 5 tips for how we can be the same this pandemic season

Explaining Emotions ...
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
Emotions. Like 'em or love 'em you're stuck with 'em. But what is the point of them? Would we actually be better off without them or do they serve a purpose - and if so, why do they cause SO many problems?

Dump Despair!!
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
Feeling down in the dumps? Weary and can't be bothered? How do we dump despair and lift our mood when we feel low and flat? Here's Kate's top 5 tips to bring the sun out again on your grey days.

Responding to The Social Dilemma
‘If you are not paying for the product, YOU are the product’. Martin shares his insights with us around how we can respond to Netflix’s The Social Dilemma. WATCH THIS NOW:

About life's seasons ...
Some life seasons feel bleaker than others. Here's a thought from Matt about what might be going on under the surface in those down times...

Create Calm
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
In life's busy times - whether frantic with good stuff or something a bit more difficult - how do you think clearly and do life well? Here's why we all need to create moments of calm.

Managing Uncertainty
Pandemic Living
One of the toughest things in this season is that we don't know what to expect. It feels like almost any moment things could totally change. So how do you manage when there is so much uncertainty around?

Blurgh Days
Do you ever have those days when it feels like grey clouds are in the sky but also inside you? Rachel shares how to manage those days, and remember that even in cloudy weather, the sun is still there, behind the clouds.

Lift your hands - He's right there :)
In this short thought, Ali Martin from Soul Survivor encourages us to reach out to God in life's tough moments

Life After Lockdown- A film by NCS National Citizen Service
A fantastic short film by the National Citizen Service featuring young people's thoughts and hopes on what life could - and should - be like after lockdown.

The Power of Growing Things
Laura shares how connecting with nature can be surprisingly good for you

Chi-Chi's Clinic
These are tricky times if you struggle with anxiety. But what IS anxiety - and when does normal anxiety become an anxiety disorder? Dr Chi-Chi has all the answers ....

Bipolar disorder
Chi-Chi's Clinic
Sometimes life feels like a roller coaster. You might feel your day has been really manic - or that you are feeling down and depressed. But for some people these patterns of mood become more significant and part of a condition called Bipolar disorder. Here's our brilliant Dr Chi-Chi to tell us more about this often misunderstood condition.

Chi-Chi's Clinic
Stressed out? Here Chi Chi explains the impact stress can have on us - and why we need to take it seriously, particularly if it goes on for a long time.

Trauma and PTSD
Chi-Chi's Clinic
Dr Chi-Chi explains why it is important to get help when you've been through trauma - even if it happened a long time ago. It can be treated extremely effectively so that your past doesn't need to haunt your present.

Eating Disorders
Chi-Chi's Clinic
We talk a lot about our diet, and conditions like obesity - but it's really important to remember that many people do struggle with their relationship with food. Dr Chi-Chi Obuaya talks about the two most common eating disorders - and how to get your relationship with food back on track.

Pandemic living: Why are my friends driving me CRAZY?
Pandemic Living
As lockdown eases its great to see mates again - but why are we having so many arguments? Will my friendships ever get back to normal or is it time to move on?

Pandemic living: Why do I feel so anxious?
Pandemic Living
So we're ploughing on into the autumn, and trying to get used to this 'new normal' - but WHY OH WHY do we feel so anxious?

Self Harm
Chi-Chi's Clinic
Self Harm is something many people will have heard about. You might know someone who self harms, or be finding yourself struggling with self harm. But what is it, why do people do it and what can you do? The Dr is in the house ...
Creating Pause Moments with Jigsaws
Pause moments are ESSENTIAL and seeing as jigsaws are now officially cool (well, sort of!) why not use them to help you switch off?! Don't knock it 'til you've tried it!

Better Breathing
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
We all know breathing is important, right? But did you know the way you breath can help you calm down when you're stressing (or freaking) out? Here's how and why

Ace Anxiety
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
No one likes feeling anxious. But what if it ISN'T as bad as it feels? What if you could get back in control? Here's how to ACE anxiety.

Summer With Scars
A helpful PDF around ways to navigate the warmer weather with self-harm scars- with tips on everything from camouflage to creative clothing

Help, I'm in crisis
Headstrong isn't a crisis service but if you need help here's a few places you can go

What do we do with the scars that self-harm leaves behind?
What do we do with the scars that self-harm leaves behind?

How has LOCKDOWN changed your EATING?
How has LOCKDOWN and PANDEMIC changed YOUR eating patterns? In Eating Disorders Awareness Week it’s good to think about what is NORMAL - especially in an ABNORMAL season! So we asked some young people to tell us what they’ve noticed… here are 5 of their REAL answers, with some tips and tricks to try:

What IS Headstrong???
However you found your way to Headstrong - WELCOME!! It's great to hang out with you But hang on - what actually IS Headstrong? What is it about, why is it here and why should you want to hang out here??? Here's some quick answers ...

Feeling hemmed in?
Isolating? In Quarantine? Or just (!) a localised lockdown? So many of us are back to being under restrictions now in this autumn #PandemicSeason. But how do you cope when it feels like the walls are closing in on you and claustrophobia is starting to kick in? How do you get through when you can't get out?

Did you know that one of the most powerful influences on your stress system is your breathing? This can be a PAIN if you are freaking out - but also means if you can HARNESS the power of breathing you can learn how to stay CALM in a crisis and manage stress better. Here's how ...

Dump The Scales!!
It is time we adapted approaches around eating disorders so that everyone can get support no matter what their size! Hear about Hope's campaign to change the way issues with eating are judged and diagnosed.

What the Bible REALLY says
Sometimes it can feel like as Christians we shouldn’t really experience any emotions at all - well, except the positive ones of course! So what does the Bible REALLY say

What the Bible REALLY says
The future is unknown and uncertain. And we all have a plan for our life but what do you do if your future suddenly looks different from what you had planned or expected? How do you make decisions when you don’t know what is coming? What does the Bible say that might help?

What the Bible REALLY says
Sometimes it can feel like as Christians we shouldn’t really experience any emotions at all - well, except the positive ones of course! So what does the Bible REALLY say

How to love yourself and your body in a world where everyone looks more perfect than you feel!
What do you do when the SM images you see just make you feel rubbish about yourself and so aware of how far from perfect you are?

On instagram and grey days: why your normal might be more normal than you think
So here's the same view on a great day and on a grey one. Which do you think is more normal? And how does this remind us about what is normal when it comes to our own emotions? ...

#WantMORE about Eating Disorders
#Want MORE?
Sometimes it can feel like everyone around you is dieting, or wanting to lose weight. But what do you do when that becomes something more serious? Here's more about eating disorders and when you need to get help.

#WantMORE about depression
#Want MORE?
Depression feels really rubbish - but what is it? And how is it different from just feeling a bit low?

#WantMORE about Self Harm
#Want MORE?
Self Harm is something most people have heard about - but what is it and why do people do it? Find out more ...

#Want MORE?
Where do panic attacks COME from and how can you get back in control and stop living in fear of another?

#Want MORE?
Anxiety is probably one of the most problematic emotions we have as humans. But it’s also the most essential. So what IS anxiety - and how do you handle it when it is causing problems?

Start Young!
Don't let what you don't know stop you from getting started... read about how Ruth started an AMAZING organisation and magazine whilst still in her teens and why she is really glad she did start young.

#WantMORE about RISK
#Want MORE?
When the teen brain is a bit rubbish at recognising risk, how do you avoid getting yourself into tricky situations you didn't see coming?

#Want MORE?
What do you DO when you don't want to do ANYTHING?

#Want MORE?
Did you know one of the most basic needs you have as a human is for connection with other humans?

#Want MORE?
What is WITH rubbish feelings? Where do they come from and how can you lift your mood when it plummets for no apparent reason?

#Want MORE?
Who on earth ARE YOU - it's all about identity, baby!

What’s going ON with my BRAIN?
HOW is your brain changing right now, and can that explain why you feel like you are on an emotional rollercoaster?

Too much time online?
Ever wonder if you’re spending too much time online? Does the phrase ‘digital detox‘ send you into a full-on, heart racing panic?

5 things you could do RIGHT NOW to improve your sleep
A-Z of feeling great with Dr K8
Not being able to sleep sucks! Is there ANYTHING worse than lying awake in the small hours watching your clock ticking? It feels like EVERYONE BUT YOU is sleeping.

MISS YOU! How to connect when you can't hang out...
So, we're back into lockdown ☹️ and perhaps the hardest thing about it is not seeing people you miss. So how do you connect with people when you cannot be together?

Bake off!! 5 reasons baking YUMMY FOOD is GOOD for your MOOD!!
Today Kate has been baking as part of an advent Bake-off challenge. But for now hear Kate's thoughts on 5 reasons why baking is SUCH a good thing to get stuck into this festive season :) Maybe it’s time to give it a go and see if it helps?

Stay Strong - Balance
Stay Strong
Because sometimes we all need to find some inner calm and balance ...

Stay Strong - Shoulder Bridge
Stay Strong
Shoulder bridge: Because when you feel a bit like lying down on the floor and staying there you might as well work whilst you are there ...

Stay Strong - Superman
Stay Strong
Superman! Because sometimes when you don't feel AT ALL like a superhero, pretending to be one can make you feel stronger.

Stay Strong - Squats
Stay Strong
Keep moving, stay strong and even build some inner strength - even when you can't leave the house! This time: Squats

#ConnectionChallenge 3x3 no.3
In honour of #WorldMentalHealthDay we're throwing you a 3x3 #ConnectionChallenge! Last but not least - 3 - Connecting with GOD!

#ConnectionChallenge 3x3 no.2
In honour of #WorldMentalHealthDay we're throwing you a 3x3 #ConnectionChallenge! Here's No.2 - and it’s Connecting with YOURSELF!!!

#ConnectionChallenge 3x3 no.1
In honour of #WorldMentalHealthDay we're throwing you a 3x3 #ConnectionChallenge! Here's 1 - connecting with OTHER PEOPLE!