Reuben Alexander

Reuben is the Emotional Wellbeing Specialist at Youthscape and does youth work at St Lukes Luton. He loves music, food, and art. When he isn’t working, he is probably thinking about going fishing.

How do you answer the question when someone asks you, who are you? It's tempting to just say your name. But the question isn't what's your name, the question is, who are you? Here Reuben looks at the life of Paul and what happened when he needed to totally rethink his identity.

Guys- this one's for YOU! 3 Things you can do to turn a bad day around
How do see the good in each day when life feels chaotic or just TOUGH at times? Reuben gives us three things we can do everyday to help us focus on the good and not feel overwhelmed by the bad stuff.

Using a monkey journal to help you sleep
Ever lay in bed with a million thoughts running through your mind? Well, this might help!

When things don't go as planned
If you feel like things are out of your control and you need something to hold on to, here are two simple and healthy things you can control.