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Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton photo

Kate is a psychologist, Mum of 2 and director of the Mind & Soul Foundation as well as content consultant for Headstrong. She's also a church leader in Hertfordshire, author and speaker and when she's not doing all of that, one of those mad cycling fanatic people. She is not, repeat NOT 'that' Kate Middleton, nor is she married to Prince William, though she does enjoy reading about her good dress sense in the papers.



So did you know that as people, the story we tell really matters. Stories help us understand the world, what we've been through, what's going on, what might happen next and most important, how we should or shouldn't act or react. Sometimes stories are a really helpful part of who we are.



Humans have an inbuilt need to have a level of control, it’s part of our design, SO why is being a control freak a problem and how can we be careful about not going too far

All about ANXIETY - part 2

All about ANXIETY - part 2
All about ANXIETY

How do you get rid of anxiety when it flares up? We so often feel like all we need is a bit of reassurance - but what when that only helps short term? And what when you KNOW your anxiety is irrational - but that doesn't make it go away? In this second part of our series all about ANXIETY, Kate explains why its all about the right kind of reassurance, and shares three tips for getting rid of an anxiety flare.

Friendship gets PHYSICAL

Friendship gets PHYSICAL

So - we can start hugging again! Safely, obviously - and sticking to those we're closest to. But did you know why hugging is so important for our friendships? And what other options are there if you're not able to hug, or just aren't a super huggy person.

Friendship PROBLEMS

Friendship PROBLEMS

Friendship is tough. But what are the real grenades that can blow up a good friendship? And if you've been hurt, how do you know if a friendship is worth saving? Here are some top tips on what to do when a friendship has gone wrong.

Life spinning OUT OF CONTROL?

Life spinning OUT OF CONTROL?

With SO much going on right now, it's easy to feel caught in the chaos, like you don't have control of anything. So how do you cope with times when you can't keep a grip on everything that matters, and avoid getting drawn into things which are less healthy as you try to get back some balance? Kate shares three things that WILL help...

How has LOCKDOWN changed your EATING?

How has LOCKDOWN changed your EATING?

How has LOCKDOWN and PANDEMIC changed YOUR eating patterns? In Eating Disorders Awareness Week it’s good to think about what is NORMAL - especially in an ABNORMAL season! So we asked some young people to tell us what they’ve noticed… here are 5 of their REAL answers, with some tips and tricks to try:



When you get to the edge of human cleverness and ideas - what is there? How can reaching out to God and exploring prayer and that wider spiritual perspective help us find a more reliable source of help and hope in pandemic times?

Lost it with Lockdown?

Lost it with Lockdown?

So, this is a pretty rough start to the new year! Lockdown, canceled exams, fears around new virus variants, and a wait to get vaccines out - it's a lot to take in. So what do you do when you don't know what to do? When you just feel like you've had it with pandemic life, but you can't change it? Here's Kate sharing three tips that WILL help...

What IS Headstrong???

What IS Headstrong???

However you found your way to Headstrong - WELCOME!! It's great to hang out with you But hang on - what actually IS Headstrong? What is it about, why is it here and why should you want to hang out here??? Here's some quick answers ...

Feeling hemmed in?

Feeling hemmed in?

Isolating? In Quarantine? Or just (!) a localised lockdown? So many of us are back to being under restrictions now in this autumn #PandemicSeason. But how do you cope when it feels like the walls are closing in on you and claustrophobia is starting to kick in? How do you get through when you can't get out?



Did you know that one of the most powerful influences on your stress system is your breathing? This can be a PAIN if you are freaking out - but also means if you can HARNESS the power of breathing you can learn how to stay CALM in a crisis and manage stress better. Here's how ...


Juls Haddow

